Happy Art Movement
Internationally renowned artist Romero Britto founded the Happy Art Movement in 1992 with the mission to inspire happiness, fun, love and optimism around the globe through his unique art and vibrant colors.
Romero has dedicated his life's work to explore the nature and essence of happiness while many great artists have used their artwork to illustrate the shadows of our souls. His art is much more than a staid cognitive conception of happiness. He presents us with a vivid visualization of happiness, a welcoming world that is within our reach.

While happiness manifests itself in an infinite number of ways, Romero's artwork reveals the Platonic essence of happiness. It is both art and a philosophy of life. In his art, we recognize that anything can become a source of happiness, something to appreciate, something to value. It is simply a matter of perspective. Happiness is the celebration of life itself, from the mundane to the wild.
Around the world, people who view Romero's paintings immediately recognize this philosophy of life - the happy life - that he conveys through the interweaving of bright colors, curved lines and amorous shapes. In a single Britto painting, you see happiness. You feel it. You know it. And you can sense the optimism possible in you.
Romero's work may be utopian, but it is not naive. To be sure, he understands the darker side of life: like all of us he has felt the pangs of suffering and sorrow. Yet as a visionary, he sees beyond the world that is to a better world that can be. He sees the beauty of life that resides in all of us - in everything from a smile to a chair - and aspires to help turn that world into reality.
At its core, Romero's artwork is an expression of love. We connect with his art because, in our minds and hearts, there lays an infinite well of love. Tapping into that reservoir brings happiness and that is an everyday possibility.
Happiness is contagious, and our goal is to create a world with more compassion, less conflicts and a greater sense of purpose and meaning. Collectivelly, our commitment to a long-lasting happiness has the potential to change the world, one person at a time.
Creating a world of greater happiness is an active task. Romero's artwork, whether a simple smile of a complex dance of lines and hearts, reminds us that true happiness comes through engagement with others and the world around us.
Be part of the Happy Art Movement and help share happiness, love, optimism with people and places that need it the most!